Free Dofollow / Nofollow Backlink Checker

We are proud to release the Dofollow / Nofollow Link Checker to the public.

Now you can check your URLs if your link is set and if it has a nofollow or dofollow attribute.

Tutorial / Usage

  1. Load your URLs where your link was placed.
    You have two options:
    • Load URLs - Load a txt file with your urls. One Url per line.
    • Load URLs Multi Mode -Load your urls and posted sites. One "url/posted site" per line.
      Format: URL#posted site
      For Example:
      So the link checker verifies if
      could be found on

  2. Put your "URL to check for" into the field. This is the url that the checker should look for.

  3. Press Start Button

If you have any further question feel free to contact us.