Convert Your Keyword List to Spintax

This tools helps you to generate a spintax from your keyword list. Just paste your keywords to the box
(one keyword/phrase per line) and click "Generate Spintax" button.
You will immediately see the spintax format of your pasted keyword list.
This is very easy and saves a lot of time. The tool is absolutely free and we will never charge for this service.

Keyword List to Spintax Tool

No data is stored - Your input data is absolutely safe.

What is Spintax?

Spintax is collection of words or phrases. Each word / phrase is delimited by | (pipe) character. The Spintax begins with a opening curly bracked { and ends with a closing curly bracket } .
A random word / phrase is chosen from each delimited section of the text.
It sounds wired but take a look at a example and you will easily understand:

My { green | blue | yellow } bird is sitting { there | over there | on the ground } .

With this spintax we can get the following different results:
1) My green bird is sitting there .
2) My blue bird is sitting there .
3) My yellow bird is sitting there .
4) My green bird is sitting over there .
5) My blue bird is sitting over there .
6) My yellow bird is sitting over there .
7) My green bird is sitting on the ground .
8) My blue bird is sitting on the ground .
9) My yellow bird is sitting on the ground .

From just one line of spintax it generates 9 different sentences.

If you have any further question feel free to contact us.