Spintax Generator
Convert Your Keyword List to Spintax
This tools helps you to generate a spintax from your keyword list. Just paste your keywords to the box
(one keyword/phrase per line) and click "Generate Spintax" button.
You will immediately see the spintax format of your pasted keyword list.
This is very easy and saves a lot of time. The tool is absolutely free and we will never charge for this service.

Keyword List to Spintax Tool
What is Spintax?
Spintax is collection of words or phrases. Each word / phrase is delimited by | (pipe) character. The Spintax begins with a opening curly bracked { and ends with a closing curly bracket } .A random word / phrase is chosen from each delimited section of the text.
It sounds wired but take a look at a example and you will easily understand:
My { green | blue | yellow } bird is sitting { there | over there | on the ground } .
With this spintax we can get the following different results:
1) My green bird is sitting there .
2) My blue bird is sitting there .
3) My yellow bird is sitting there .
4) My green bird is sitting over there .
5) My blue bird is sitting over there .
6) My yellow bird is sitting over there .
7) My green bird is sitting on the ground .
8) My blue bird is sitting on the ground .
9) My yellow bird is sitting on the ground .
From just one line of spintax it generates 9 different sentences.
If you have any further question feel free to contact us.